7 week Online/Teleclass
March 7th,14th,21st – April 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th
Wednesday evenings 8-9pm
If you would like to feel:-
* an increased self awareness of the connection between your thoughts, your emotions and your physical reality
* a better sense of self control and self mastery in every moment
* an increased sense of balance and alignment, and feeling of wellness
* a feeling more secure and stable,
* more sensual and creative,
* more self confident and powerful,
* more heart centered and open hearted
* more in touch with your own truth and the courage to express it
* opening up your intuition and perception
* more connected spiritually and living in trust and faith
Whether you know already have knowledge of the energy centers in your body (chakras) or you are just starting off on your journey in this discovery, this 7 week course will give you the opportunity to start a practice of self awareness, self healing and self alignment from the comfort of your own home.
Chakras are energy centers in our body…we have thousands, but for the purpose of this course and this practice, we will be focusing on the main 7 chakras from the root to the crown.
Each week :
* we will be delving in to the meaning and vibration, color, and realm of each chakra and how we can become emotionally and physically unbalanced if one or more of these centers is sluggish or malnourished.
* We will be discussing how our “crazy” mind can effect directly the energy centers within us, and create unbalance, misalignment and dis-ease in our reality.
* I will be sending you via email, some visual references for that weeks chakra and some simple homework tips to keep you focused.
* I will be sending you a 5 minute free meditation that you can download and listen to often for that specific weeks chakra.
* The session will be recorded and you will be sent the recording via email so if you miss the call you can listen at your leisure
The first and last week will be 1.5 hours and the weeks in between will be an hour. There will be a private and closed facebook group that you will all be automatically included in, where you are encouraged to share and discuss your progress in the course.
Once you have signed up and registered, you will receive a dial in number and a access code to use for each call…
International callers will be given their own special country call in number…..
Wednesdays March 7th,14th,21st – April 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th
Cost for the course is $178
Once you complete your purchase, you’ll be directed back to my site for call details – PLEASE FILL OUT NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS