The Yearning – SOLD
2017 oil and collage on canvas 18 x 24
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
The deepest longing for something other than what is…
A time when one was innocent and free, or held tightly safe and sound
When ones body felt light , unlimited and full of joy
Or ones heart was bursting with love received
The yearning for a fleeting moment from the past, or a deeply imagined hope in the future
We paint our dreams in our deepest yearnings
hoping that one day they may appear before us
And feel like home. ……………© Jo Jayson

Breaking Free – SOLD
2013 oil and collage on canvas 24 x 48
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
We all at some time in our lives , are faced with having to break free of something. Whether it be a relationship that no longer serves us, a job or environment that stifles and suffocates our souls, a friendship that fails to nurture, a living arrangement that stops us from becoming who we are meant to be, an addiction or habit that keeps us prisoner in its grasp. At some point the need to break free calls so loud from the heart of our souls, that we can no longer ignore its whispers. Our hope is that we are supported and held in a gentle and loving embrace by life, as we slowly, carefully and with grace, move on our journey of breaking free…….. © Jo Jayson

The Call of the Nightingale – SOLD
2013 oil and collage on canvas 18″ x 36″
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
The Call of the Nightingale speaks of the ethereal calling of love, inspiration,a poetic moment, a soul-mates song…….it is a moment of exquisite bliss in surrendering to the magical and heavily potent cries of the muse…

One Sacred Moment – SOLD
2012 oil and collage on canvas 30″ x 24″
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
A moment in time that is remembered as profound and healing, a whisper of a connection, and a heart to heart silent communication between two souls – a sacred moment that happens maybe just once in a life time, fades with the passing of time………but is never forgotten…..
Desires born of Dreams – SOLD
2011 oil and gold leaf on canvas 15″ x 30″
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
Desires born of Dreams…In order for us to create and manifest our desires and intentions for our own reality…we must allow ourselves the space to dream…to relax and flow into the river of life…to let go, and to welcome the natural dreams of desire and beginning that will inevitably follow, once we surrender to them.

Looking in the Mirror -SOLD
2011 oil and gold leaf on canvas 24″ x 24″
(click on image for larger version)
FOR SALE $1200 Reproductions, prints and more available in shop

Becoming – SOLD
2011 oil and gold leaf on canvas 16″ x 20″
(click on image for larger version)
As one takes the journey to know who they are, they surrender to their dreams and desires – the clues to who they are becoming, gently unfold like the petals of a lotus bud….

Winter’s Sleep – SOLD
2010 oil and collage 30″x 30″
(click on image for larger version)
Winter is a time of deep reflection, stillness , quiet and retreat, where action is replaced by rest and nature goes to sleep after working so hard during the other seasons. Likewise, we also can find ourselves in our own “winter”, where we must step back, take a break and review and renew, before we proceed forward into new beginnings.

2010 oil and collage 30″x 30″
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
Heart Burst depicts the instant, spontaneous and overpowering physical and emotional response when one meets one’s soul-mate for the first time……….the heart bursts with emotion and love, it cannot contain the strength of this emotion and so it bursts, explodes……..sending it’s love out in all directions.

The Gift – SOLD
2009 oil and collage on canvas 18″ x 36″
(click on image for larger version)
There is no more beautiful a gift, than the gift of oneself…
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop

Deep Waters – NOT FOR SALE
2007 oil and collage on canvas 12 x 33
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
Deep Waters ~ sometimes we find ourselves in the deep waters of emotion, a time of turmoil and change, a time when we often do not know if we will sink or swim. Deep Waters speaks of those times that we may be faced with overflowing emotions, that threaten to drown us, yet always in our own time, we balance out and find our heads above water again.
Mother and Child – NOT FOR SALE
1997 chalk pastel on paper 12″ x 22
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
Mother and Child – there is no love more pure than the love of a Mother…..

Father and Child – NOT FOR SALE
1997 chalk pastel on paper 12″ x 22
(click on image for larger version)
Reproductions, prints and more available in shop
Father and Child – ‘Anyone man can be a father but it takes a special man to be a dad” – Anne Geddes